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Merit Badge University

landing page photo.

Merit Badge University is hosted at West Virginia University and is a one-day event that is an opportunity for Scouts to work at West Virginia's flagship institution on an array of merit badges, including ones not typically offered at summer camps. MBU@WVU is sponsored by West Virginia University and Mountaineer Area Council of the BSA. Classes are taught for the entire day, and if prerequisites are met, scouts typically can complete an entire merit badge (or two) in one day!

A description and reports about Merit Badge University can be found here. 
A sampling of photos from prior years of MBU@WVU also are available here.

Prior MBU@WVU patch artwork can be found here

Counselors & Volunteers: 
If you are a WVU employee or student that is interested in volunteering with MBU@WVU in the future, please email us at  - 

MBU Scouts & Registrants: 
For further information about  MBU@WVU 2024, please visit the registration site.